So, as anyone who's into D&D probably knows by now, there's a new edition in the works. The key concept? Scaling complexity.
Oddly enough, I'd had a little inspiration a few months ago and had hit upon the same idea. I never went anywhere with it because, upon showing it to my primary collaborator, it received a resounding meh.
Still, figured I'd post what I'd had here for the sake of it. That IS supposed to be the idea of this blog after all.
THE GAME- Concept: A rule system designed to be incredibly simple and intuitive (playable from memory) while allowing for as much depth as the players want.- Features: Requires only a d6 Requires no other accessories, even a character sheet (though writing things down is... good) Can be played purely from memory (gotta avoid feats/perks because of this. not sure if this will ENTIRELY remain the case for DMs, as referencing tables and such is useful, but certainly for players. At minimum I’d like to leave the door open to DMs playing from memory. E.G. you can look up the stats on a skeleton, but it’s completely possible to spit ball them off the top of your head as well.) Scalable complexityA player can choose to define skills and shop for the perfect combination of arms/armor, or can simply roll 1d6 for their 6 basic stats and assume that each hand = 1d6 damage. The two approaches are compatible with one another, side by side, within the same game, with no effective balance difference beyond the greater degree of tactical options available to the more in-depth player. Classless Setting Independent (with some notes here and there for my own use that DO tie into mine)Resolution Mechanic: Statistic+1d6 vs Static value or opposed Stat+1d6 roll.Example A: Jack wants to walk a balance beam. His Agility statistic is 4. His host decides that this is an average difficulty task, and informs him that he will need a result of at least 7 to succeed. Jack rolls a 3, and crosses successfully, as 4+3>=7.Example B: Jack & Jill are engaging in an arm wrestling competition. Jack’s Strength statistic is 3, while Jill’s is 5. Jack rolls a 2, while Jill rolls a 1. Jill wins, as 5+1>3+2. On a tie, they would have had to re-roll. In combat, however, ties are given to the attacker.- To Do:Determine HP derivationInstall Magic systemAdd armorAdd more complete weapons listing, perhaps re-organizing thingsAdd enemies & enemy generation rulesAdd misc goods listingDetermine starting Gold/item value- To Do:-Current Working Problems:The reliance on a single, small die means that static modifiers count for a lot. IE: It’s always possible for someone with the worst possible attack stat to hit someone with the best possible defense stat (1d6+1[=7] vs 1d6+6[=7], but only BEFORE situational modifiers are applied. This in itself I’m not all-together too concerned about, however I AM concerned as to weather or not the weapon damage system I have in place is negatively effected by this.As it stands, the base damage of a weapon is 1d6, then it takes penalties as it gains more features, trading versatility for raw power. E.G. A longsword deals an average of 2.5 dmg one-handed vs a broadsword’s 3.5, and 6 dmg two-handed vs a barbarian(2-handed) sword’s 7, but the user can switch between the two options at-will.I’m concerned as to weather this overly penalizes the more versatile weapons. A spear, for example, has the double, reach, and thrown qualities. Ideally, this would make the spear a very popular choice. I’ll simply have to playtest things a bit once I have HP worked out.It may not be a problem at all, especially in light of the “minimum 1-damage on a successful attack” stipulation, but it is a concern.So far, I have mitigated the problem by not penalizing weapons with multiple damage options at all. A proper sword is just better than a sickle sword. There’s a reason that Halberds grew so popular. This is a calculated choice however, as in the setting I’ve been using these weapons are balanced by their lack of availability to the players, requiring a special trip to their place of origin for acquisition - thus creating natural adventure hooks in-system.CHARACTER CREATION
All players must, minimally, derive the six essential statistics of their characters. All characters have an identical list of statistics ranging from 1 to 5, with 3 being average, 1 extremely poor, and 5 exceptionally gifted.Agility A character’s balance & mobility, affecting their ability to move quickly and quietly.Dexterity A character’s fine motor skills, affecting their ability to manipulate with their hands.Intelligence A character’s mental acuity.Perception A character’s awareness and analysis of their surroundings.Strength A character’s raw physical might.Willpower A character’s resolve and influence, social and sorcerous, upon the world around them.Players divide 18 points amongst their 6 statistics.Step 2: SKILLS (Optional)
If a player wishes, they may choose to define their character’s abilities in greater detail. Skills are specific areas of expertise or weakness for a character. They represent special cases in which a number other than the normal governing statistic should be used to determine a character’s chance of success. Though a character’s Agility may be 3, for example, they may be especially stealthy(4) but have poor balance (2).Like the essential statistics, skills range from 1 to 5. By default, it is assumed that all skills governed by a given statistic are equal to that statistic’s value. A player may choose to increase the value of a single skill by lowering that of another. The two skills need not be governed by the same attribute.The following is a non-exhaustive list of suggested skills to use in your games.Agility Acrobatics, Balance, StealthDexterity Axes, Blades, Bludgeons, Marksmanship, Polearms, Shields,Intelligence Alchemy, Bushcraft,Perception Empathy, Hearing, SightStrength Athletics, EnduranceWillpower Charm, Deception, Intimidation, SorceryStep 3: FAULTS (Optional)
For dramatic purposes, a player may choose particular character faults or physical problems a character may have. These are not simply areas in which the character is untalented or uneducated, i.e. low skills, but essential obstacles to the character achieving their goals. A holy man of a benevolent deity, for example, will find gently persuading information from a captive far more difficult than beating it from him. Likewise, a knight with a crippling phobia of horses may find himself unable to properly aid his allies in a cavalry battle.When a character fault becomes relevant, the player, and their allies in turn, will suffer for it. A character committed to absolute honesty may, for example, come right out and confess their plans to the team’s adversary, or an acrophobic character may automatically fail a skill check to cross a tightrope. As the character is choosing to fail for the sake of drama, however, they should be rewarded with the ability to dramatically circumvent the game’s mechanics for their benefit as well.Any time a player suffers a significant setback (complication of or failure to overcome an obstacle) due to their character’s faults, that player is rewarded with a free re-roll of any die roll of their choice in the future. Players may, and are advised to, hold on to these rolls for use in dramatic moments when, though statistics may not be on their side, it would be narratively interesting, i.e. cool for their character to perform an otherwise risky maneuver.This system should not be seen as a way of improving a character, however, but simply making characters and games more interesting. If the host notices a definite trend towards players using faults as a means of ensuring success, the host is likely either treating the faults themselves too lightly or giving out free re-rolls too cheaply. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with playing the Hunchback of Notre Dame and working your faults for all their dramatic worth.Step 4: EQUIPMENT
All players begin with a full set of clothing, provisions as appropriate for their travels, and X copper coins.If a player wishes, they may choose to detail their character’s equipment by spending some those coins before the game begins (see the Equipment chapter).AdvancementTechniques (Learned from others, intentionally or not)SpellsEQUIPMENT
ARMORArmor is classified only by it’s material.Sorcerers will find that they can not cast magic while touching metal, making most armor impractical.WEAPON DAMAGE TAGSBarbarian AxeB 2d6 2h, HackBarbarian HammerB 2d6 2h, BashBarbarian SwordB 2d6 2h, SlashBow Draw, RangedDagger 1d6-1 Small, StabDagger, Throwing 1d6-2 Small, Stab, ThrownDouble SwordSt 1d6-1 2h, Double, Slash, StabCrossbow, LightT Load, RangedCrossbow, HeavyT Load(Full Turn), RangedHand Spear 1d6 StabSabre 1d6 SlashKnifeSh 1d6-1 Slash, Small, StabKnife, ThrowingSh 1d6-2 Slash, Small, Stab, ThrownLongswordSh 1d6-1 Bastard, Slash, StabShield 1d6-1 Bash, BlockShortswordSh 1d6 Slash, StabSpear 1d6-2 Double, Stab, Reach, ThrownStaff 1d6-1 2h, Bash, DoubleUnarmed 1d6-2 Bash, may incur damage yourselfGauntlet - Modifies the material bonus of unarmed attacks.Superscript indicates limited in-setting availabilityWEAPON TAGS2h Requires the use of both hands.Bash Can deal bashing damage, ignoring half of a target’s armor.Bastard Deals an additional die of damage when wielded with 2 hands.Bifurcating A double weapon which may be split into a pair of 1h weapons and rejoined.Block Can forgo this hand’s use next turn in order to reduce an incoming source of damage by 1d6.Double Treat as either two 1h weapons or a single bastard weapon.Draw Weapon must be readied before each shot.Hack Can deal hacking damage, doubling the final damage.Load Weapon must be reloaded after each shot.Ranged Weapon can hit targets within line of sight.Reach Has a melee range of 4 meters (only when wielded in both hands)Small Can easily be concealed in the hand or on one’s person.Slash Can deal slashing damage, causing recurring damage equal to that dealt (does not stack).Stab Can deal stabbing damage, ignoring armor completely if actual damage is dealt.Thrown Can be effectively used either in melee or thrown as a ranged weapon.MaterialsUnarmed/Armored 0Leather/Stone/Wood 1Copper 2 (Fairywood)Bronze 3Iron 4Steel 5CraftsmanshipA well or poorly made weapon or suit of armor may gain an additional +1/-1 modifier and/or benefit from special features, such as the bifurcating feature for double weapons.HOSTING A GAME
Tests7 = Normal difficultyThe rules as presented here assume a classical bronze age setting. To create a more traditional fantasy feel, simply apply the following changes:-Consider steel to be a +0 material, with material bonuses deriving either from fantastic materials or magical enchantments.-Ignore weapon availabilities based on location or technology, and feel free to add exotic weapons. A katana, for example, would be statistically identical to a longsword.COMBAT
Turn = Move & One action w/ each hand(ie 1 attack w/ a 2h weapon, 2 attacks w/ 2h weapons, or a block and attack)Melee Damage = Weapon+STR (Min 1)Double STR bonus when wielding 2 handed
May simplify to simply blocking/dealing 1d6/hand for ultralight games.Improvised Weapons: Treat as the closest equivalent weapon above, but consider the item’s materials and workmanship. A sledgehammer and a bar stool would, as 2 handed bludgeons, both effectively be barbarian hammers, but, as a tool, the sledgehammer will be more durable. Neither, of course, will last as long as a proper weapon and neither is likely, in a bronze age setting, to be made of bronze.
edit: Wow, sorry for the ridiculous formatting error.Resolution Mechanic: Statistic+1d6 vs Static value or opposed Stat+1d6 roll. Example A: Jack wants to walk a balance beam. His Agility statistic is 4. His host decides that this is an average difficulty task, and informs him that he will need a result of at least 7 to succeed. Jack rolls a 3, and crosses successfully, as 4+3>=7. Example B: Jack & Jill are engaging in an arm wrestling competition. Jack’s Strength statistic is 3, while Jill’s is 5. Jack rolls a 2, while Jill rolls a 1. Jill wins, as 5+1>3+2. On a tie, they would have had to re-roll. In combat, however, ties are given to the attacker.
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